A Good Run Is Better Than A Bad Stand

There’s an old Celtic saying, “a good run is better than a bad stand.” This little bit of wisdom is one of the many we use to teach people basic self–defense principles. In this case the main idea is that fleeing an attack is better than staying to fight for the sake of pride or some other stupid reason.

There is no shame in running away. The entire goal of self–defense is to protect yourself or others from harm. One of the easiest ways to do that is to not be there. This is especially true when weapons or multiple attackers are brought into the equation. Generally, the wisest course of action in these situations is to simply to get away.

Stun them enough to create an opening to escape and then take the opportunity. Do not keep fighting only to bring down lawsuits if you win and potentially irreversible damage if you lose. A good run is better.