Opportunity Defense

Unless you carry a practical weapon on a daily basis like a cane, odds are against you having said weapon when you get attacked, and your pocket knife doesn’t count. So I try to emphasize the importance of what’s around you. Everything has a purpose and a lot of objects can be used for combat.

A drill I recommend is using only three safe objects to defend yourself. If you go into an area you think might be unsafe look around for opportunities to get an edge. A pipe or stick are very common and easy to work with. Just be sure to pick a weapon that goes thump. thump not whip, whip.

Opportunities that are common are more effective because you already know them. Sometimes you could be next to a trash can. Most people find it disgusting having trash flipped on them. Got a water bottle? Tell them you just want a quick drink and spit it in their face. A traffic cone could be used as a megaphone to draw attention. Lots of different opportunities to catch your opponent off guard for the counter or make a quick escape.

The wall. Backing into a wall is usually thought of as a bad thing but in reality it’s much smarter. Being against a wall means you prevent ambushes from behind. It also limits the possible attacks to 3-5 directions. Just don’t stay by a corner or once you’ve dazed your attacker, it’ll be hard to make a quick escape.